A helping hand for every step forward
2023 Prosthetic Summer Camp Event at UC Davis Health
A multidisciplinary approach to limb salvage, function, and patient quality of life through relevant & meaningful education, advocacy, and outreach
There are 2 million Americans with an amputation and many more at risk for undergoing an amputation in the future. The cost of necessary healthcare and equipment in the United States can be too much for some to overcome. Finding qualified physicians, podiatrists, therapists, orthotists, prosthetists, and other healthcare providers can be difficult. Knowledge about amputation prevention and disease management does not always reach those who can benefit most from it. The Limb Care Foundation aims to address these areas with the goal of improving the lives of those affected by amputations and helping foster the new generation of healthcare providers that will deliver their care.

2024 Amputee soccer event
Explore our services
Patient Grants and Campaigns
We provide financial assistance to patients who are uninsured or underinsured.
DMEPOS recycle center
We accept new and gently used prosthetics, orthotics, canes, crutches, and manual wheelchairs.
health equity and prevention
We provide preventative limb care to the unhoused and unsheltered population in the Sacramento, CA area.
education and scholarships
We host an annual prosthetic summer camp event for students explore prosthetics. We also award scholarships to students pursuing a career in O&P, PT, OT, or Podiatry.
International Outreach
We work with several organizations to expand access to orthotics and prosthetics and durable medical equipment globally.
Why Donate?
The Limb Care Foundation is on the forefront of advancing health equity and access to DMEPOS globally. We believe that functional limbs lead to a functional society and we strive to build a better tomorrow one patient at a time.